Horny Goat is the highest quality Epimedium extract, standardized for icariin content. The preparation is dedicated to people who want to improve their performance during intercourse - it contributes to the increase of the body's potency, strengthens organ functions and improves efficiency. The active substance in this extract is icariin - a compound isolated from the seeds of the Epimedium plant, the extract contains 10% icariin, which translates into 50mg of pure icariin in one tablet. The properties of the Epimedium plant are eagerly used by athletes who, thanks to regular supplementation, can more easily build muscle mass and have less difficulty reducing body fat. Additionally, Horny Goat is a vitalizing preparation that reduces weariness and fatigue, eliminates bad mood and adds vigour.
MACA has many beneficial properties, it is called a superfood - food with a high content of vitamins and nutrients, having a positive impact on the health and well-being of our body. Regular use of MACA increases vitality and improves performance and fertility. MACA alleviates the effects of stress and a strenuous lifestyle, helps alleviate the effects of menopause and naturally regulates the menstrual cycle. Due to its strong antioxidant properties, MACA is recommended as a supplement supporting immunity and inhibiting the formation of cells that destroy the body. The maca contained in this preparation is a DER 10:1 extract, which means that one gram of extract was obtained from 10g of raw material.