This Advanced formula is ultimate strength Enhancer for your penis. Without any thought you will have a massive erections and the hunger to go all night. Time Release formula ensures you'll keep a rock hard erection throughout. After consistent usage your penis will continue to experience growth resulting in a bigger member.
LIVE HARD Platinum Benefits Include:
-Much Harder Penetration
-No Headaches or Side Effects
-Delayed Ejaculations-Never go to early
-Bigger, Harder, Longer, Thicker Erections
-Increased stamina to go all day and Night
**The Best Pill to gain strength,Stamina, and Libido with just ONE pill**
Why LH Platinum?
As the #1 Best selling sexual performance supplement we don’t want you to waste money on any inadequate products. Try the best in class now.
How long to see results?
Taking Live Hard has an immediate+time release formula. This results in immediate sexual pleasure, stamina, harder erections, and delay. We advise using the product continually for 1 month to start seeing size results. Only after continued oxygen and blood flow to the penis results will start to become seen.
How many should i take a day?
We advise only taking one pill a day. Live Hard is a very strong product and you should NOT exceed one pill within a 24 hour period.
How to take Live Hard?
Live Hard Can be used as an immediate sexual performance pill rite before intercourse (30-45 Minutes). For all day erections and growth please use consistently with just one capsule each morning.
**Product is extremely strong and should only be taken once a day**
**Expect massive erections and increased stamina all day and night**
**Increased confidence and pleasing your partner expected**
**Gain a thicker, Harder, Longer Penis Today!?**
For immediate usage please take one capsule 45 minutes before sexual intercourse. For everyday use take one capsule every morning. Some users are maintaining hard erections with one pill for up to 3 days. Please use as needed however DO NOT exceed 1 capsule within a 24 hour period.